sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

Some day

 I used to cry so much

I used to be afraid of life

Afraid to don't know how to be around people

But than i met you

and my life started to make sense

I stopped to be afraid of life

And start leaving a great love

A love that filled me with hope and dreams

I used to not have plans

because i couldnt see the future

But through your eyes

i could

I saw our future together

I started making all kindda of plans

But now

all i can do is think about you

Think about how we used to be so happy and great together

Spite of the pain that i caused and my rudeness

I also could be so sweet and lovely

And you took the besy of me 

and show it to me

Through your eyes 

i was the best version of me 

With you i was so good and happy

I felt so safe and loved

But now

I am scared again 

Scared to never find love again

Because i did love you

I still do

But in a different way

I wish some day

we can meet to talk

and be good friends

Do you think is possible

some day


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